Superannuation - one of your greatest assets
While it may not seem like it yet, your savings in the superannuation environment are likely to be your greatest asset (aside from the family home) as you approach retirement. Yet many people overlook the important role superannuation plays in growing your retirement nest egg.
Those who pay little attention to their Superannuation Fund, may find that it is invested into the wrong or an inappropriate investment option or have excessive fees. This could mean reaching retirement age with less money in your super fund for your retirement.
There are many different Superannuation Funds in the marketplace and at Nolan Financial Planning we have no product bias and so can research many different Superannuation Funds to make sure you are in a suitable Fund. We can review and compare the features, fees and performance of many different Funds and make the appropriate recommendations in your best interests.
There are varying fees each Superannuation Fund charges and it can save you tens of thousands of dollars to be in a fund that does not charge excessive fees.
We understand the complexities of the superannuation environment including self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) and can help structure a superannuation strategy that’s most appropriate for you.
To find out more about our approach to superannuation, please contact us.